张启发:为人类和地球提供健康的食物 | Modern Agriculture主编访谈


来源 | Modern Agriculture

Modern Agriculture主编访谈

张启发 Qifa Zhang


问题1. 作为期刊主编,请您阐述对现代农业的个人见解


问题2. 请简要介绍一下您课题组的重点研究领域


问题3. 请列出您研究领域或现代农业中的3-5个重要问题


问题4. 请分享一些在您研究生涯中有趣的事、人或对您有激励作用的书





问题5. 请您为自己或其他其他编辑编委提出一个问题

答:我们如何利用Modern Agriculture平台促进农业现代化?

Q1. As the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board Member, would you please briefly introduce your personal vision for Modern Agriculture?

My vision of modern agriculture is dynamically related to societal need for food production. My understanding of food security is an evolving concept with two major dimensions: the 1st dimension is the total demand: world population is projected to be 10 billion by 2050, we need adequate foods to support the population; people also want to live healthy life which needs healthy foods. The 2nd dimension is the resource- and environment-sustainability for food production. Modern agriculture should simultaneously address issues in these two dimensions. So our mission is to provide foods that are healthy for both mankind and the planet.

Q2. Would you please briefly introduce the focus area of your research group?

My lab has been working on rice functional genomics and genomic breeding technologies for developing Green Super Rice (GSR, a new class of rice varieties we proposed for the development of resource saving and environment-friendly agriculture by using less pesticides, fertilizers and water to achieve high yield and superior quality). The research activities in the past three decades include genetic and functional characterization of genes for agronomically important traits; biological basis for the utilization of heterosis for hybrid rice improvement by understanding the molecular mechanisms of yield heterosis, male sterility, and inter-subspecific hybrid sterility; and GSR breeding and application. In recent years, we have been leading the effort of developing nutritious whole grain black rice to provide alternative staple food to better meet the demands of food security, sustainable agriculture and human nutrition and health.

Q3. Would you please list 3 - 5 important questions within your research field or in modern agriculture?

Crop research for human nutrition and health; integration of agricultural technologies for green production; AI technologies in crop production, especially field management .

Q4. Would you please share some interesting stories during your research career or someone or a book inspires you?

One paper changed my research course.

In 2008, Butelli et al. published a paper in Nature Biotechnology reporting a transgenic purple tomato with greatly enhanced levels of anthocyanins. This study showed that the lifespan of cancer-susceptible Trp53-/- mice fed a diet supplemented with such tomatoes was extended by 28% relative to the average lifespan for this mouse strain. The paper proposed that the health benefits of anthocyanins are a direct effect of their function as antioxidants, and an indirect effect of their ability to activate endogenous antioxidant defence systems and signalling pathways. As a rice researcher, I immediately considered the implications of this paper in relation to the role of rice in human nutrition and switched my research course from generating high-yield rice to improving the nutritional value of rice grains.

Rice grains exist in many different colours, but black rice, in particular, is considered in Chinese legend to be a panacea for health and longevity. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that water-soluble extracts of black rice are protective against a wide range of non-communicable diseases including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Red rice and black rice synthesize proanthocyanins and anthocyanins in the pericarp and seed coat of the grain. Thus, consumption of whole-grain rice will be necessary to obtain such health benefits, which would also provide additional nutrients from the germ and aleurone of the rice grain to our diet, including protein, unsaturated oil, minerals, vitamins, dietary fibre, flavonoids and polysaccharides, among others. Moreover, eating the whole grain would amount to a >30% increase in the edible portion relative to polished rice, thereby enormously reducing the pressure on demand and contributing to food security. But, at that time, the available varieties of black rice were particularly unpalatable and difficult to cook as whole grains, presenting a major obstacle to their consumption.

Since then, we have been working on the development of black rice with improved palatability. Our research group has found landrace varieties of black rice with good cooking quality and palatability, and developed genomic breeding technologies to improve the yield and resistance to disease and insects. These improved rice lines have now undergone field trials in multiple locations and years with promising results. We propose the notion of “Cooking and steaming type of whole grain black rice” and advocate to make black rice staple food. This may become a reality in the not too distant future.

Q5. Would you like to ask a question to yourself or other EBMs?

How can we use theModern Agricultureplatform to promote modernization of agriculture?


张启发,华中农业大学生命科学技术学院教授。中国科学院院士。长期从事水稻功能基因组与遗传改良和绿色农业研究。水稻功能基因组计划的主要发起者和组织者之一,构建了大规模水稻功能基因组研究的技术和资源平台,鉴定分离了一批具有重要应用前景的水稻功能基因;在水稻杂种优势利用的生物学基础研究取得了系列进展;提出了“绿色超级稻”理念(少打农药、少施化肥、节水抗旱、优质高产),带领团队培育出一批具绿色性状的水稻品种大规模应用于生产;倡导 “双水双绿重塑鱼米之乡”,推进了稻田种养的新理念新模式;推动水稻育种方向由追求产量向营养健康稻米变革,培育“米饭型全谷黑米”新品种,倡导并践行黑米主食化行动。为我国资源节约型环境友好型的农业生产体系的建设,农业绿色发展的理论和实践做出了重要的贡献。


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